Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Vintage Recipes: Speedy Dinner Rolls

Another recipe from the Vintage Recipe Card collection!  These dinner rolls are rich with eggs and shortening.  The dough doesn't need to be kneaded and is stiff enough to be shaped into cloverleaf rolls if you'd like something different.  The rolls are baked in muffin tins.  If you'd like you can brush the unbaked risen tops of the rolls with a mixture of 1 egg beaten with 2 T. milk and then sprinkle with poppy seeds or sesame seeds.  I topped half of the regular rolls with dried parsley flakes and the other half with sesame seeds.  For the cloverleaf rolls, I topped with dried thyme.

Here's the original recipe card.

And here are my rolls!

For 18 rolls, you will need:

1 pkg. active dry yeast
1/4 cup warm water (105 degrees F. - 115 degrees F.)
1/3 cup shortening, butter or lard, melted and cooled
1/4 cup sugar
1 T. salt
3/4 cup milk, scalded, and cooled to 105 degrees F. - 115 F.
2 eggs
3 1/2 cups, all-purpose flour

Dissolve yeast in the warm water in a large mixing bowl.

Stir in shortening, sugar, salt, milk, and eggs.  Whisk until blended.

Gradually add flour; at first, add 1 cup and beat well; then, keeping batter smooth and satiny, add the remaining flour.

Turn out onto an oiled surface.  The dough should be smooth and workable.  If not, add 1/4 cup more flour to make it stiff enough to handle.

Divide into three parts.  Divide each of the three parts into six portions.  Shape each of the portions into a smooth round ball and place into greased muffin tins.

You can also divide each of ht individual portions into three parts and shape into tiny balls to form cloverleaf rolls like I did.

Cover and let shaped rolls rise for 1 - 1 1/2 hours or until more than doubled.

Bake at 400 degrees F. for 10 - 15 minutes or until golden brown.

With no kneading, these are great for the beginning baker.  An added bonus?  Your house will smell wonderful while these delicious rolls are baking!

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