Saturday, August 26, 2023

Dining Out Gulf Coast: Crazy Beach Pizza, Mexico Beach, FL

After spending the day on the beach and walking over 4 miles today, we just didn't feel like getting all dressed up and going out to eat for dinner.

We had a take out menu in the room for Crazy Beach Pizza located at 2902 Highway 98 (corner of 29th Street) in Mexico Beach.  

Now y'all know I am no snob when it comes to food.  I will dine at the high end spots, but I am also more than willing to try food trucks and small out of the way places.  Well, Crazy Beach Pizza may not have dine in service and cloth napkins, but boy did it give us an amazing meal tonight!

I wanted to try their burger and onion rings.  Sweet Harold wanted to try their ham and cheese calzone.  Our plan was made!  It took about 15 minutes to get our food.  A half mile drive back to the room and we were ready to dine!

I don't need a burger with a brioche bun, a fried egg, an avocado slice, or imported cheese.  I love a burger cooked on a flat top, with a thin slice of iceburg lettuce, a few dill pickle slices, a sliver or two of onion, and mayo/mustard/ketchup.  This burger checked all the things and was perfection.  The onion rings were crispy and not greasy and I loved ALL the things on this plate.  

I was generous and cut it in half and shared with Sweet Harold along with some of the onion rings.  I still regret the decision to share.  lol

Next up, the ham and cheese calzone.  This calzone was enough for three people.  Unless you're me and Sweet Harold and then you end up fighting over your half.  

This calzone was everything it should be.  Tons of ham and loads of gooey melty cheese encased in a perfect covering of tender crust with the ideal amount of crunch.

The burger was only $6.75, the onion rings $4.50, the calzone $7.20! Our entire meal was under $20!

If you're visiting Mexico Beach, do not let this restaurant miss your radar.  Plan a take out lunch on the beach or a supper in your room!  You can thank me later.

1 comment:

  1. I always order my burger the same way - mustard and pickle only. That calzone looks worth fighting over.
