Monday, July 15, 2024

Bastille Day 2024: Dijon and Cornichon Stuffed Eggs


I strayed from my tried and true stuffed (deviled) egg recipe for this batch.  A Bastille Day celebratory meal calls for a French influence, does it not?

As always, I cooked an extra egg for my serving platter.  I go against all conventional methods of making deviled eggs in that I got tired of not having enough filling for the whites.  So several years ago, I began boiling an extra egg.  I finely chop up the extra egg (yolk AND white) and that gives an abundance of eggy filling for those other 12 whites!

I also have learned THE way to have perfectly hard cooked eggs:  The Instantpot!  Place the trivet in the inner cooker, add the eggs, pour in a cup of water.  Set the InstantPot to sealed mode.  Cook for 5 minutes, let the pressure naturally release for 10 minutes, then remove the eggs to a colander.  Run cold water over the eggs and the shells will slip off with little effort.  Perfectly cooked eggs!

You'll need to cook 7 eggs.  When the eggs are cooked and shelled, slice 6 of the eggs in half lengthwise.  Place yolks into a small bowl and place the whites on your egg plate.  

Finally chop up the remaining egg and mash the yolks into the eggs with a fork until you have a crumbly egg mixture.  Spoon in a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise.  Please consider trying Duke's if you haven't!  Spoon in a teaspoon or so of Dijon mustard.  Add a few grinds of black pepper and 1/4 t. salt.  I finely chopped one cornichon (sweet dill pickle) and stirred everything together.  You want a smooth and creamy filling so add a little more mayo or mustard to get that consistency if needed.

Spoon the filling into the egg whites and garnish with fresh thyme sprigs.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.

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