Thursday, September 26, 2024

Kentucky Farm Style Popcorn


When I was growing up, the only way my mama ever popped corn was with bacon grease as the oil.  So, seeing this as an ingredient here didn't surprise me in the least.  I grew up on an Alabama semi-farm.  We had chickens, a pony, always several dogs, and occasionally a cow or two.

Anyway, on to the popcorn.  One thing my mama never added was bourbon.  But this popcorn was quite tasty!

1/4 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup bacon grease
1/4 t. bourbon
1/3 cup popcorn
salt to taste
dried dill (optional)

Over medium high heat, combine the oil, bacon fat, and bourbon in a heavy bottomed saucepan.  When the surface begins to shimmer, add the popcorn and cover with a lid.  Continuously shake the pan back and forth on the burner until the kernels stop popping.  Dump the popped corn into a big bowl, sprinkle with salt, and serve.  For added flavor, sprinkle with dried dill.

From Which Fork Do I Use With My Bourbon by Peggy Noe Stevens and Susan Reigler

1 comment:

  1. My husband is the popcorn maker here at our home.
