Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Vegetable Fricassee with Cauliflower Mash

As the cold days of January continue, our bodies crave comfort food. This recipe, adapted from Rabbits and Wolves fit the bill perfectly. The original recipe is a vegan version, but we adapted it to suit our tastes.  I'll share the vegan substitutes as well.

Fricassee simply means "a dish of stewed meat in a rich and flavorful sauce."  

The picture above has no meat but was prepared with homemade chicken stock.  Instead of mashed potatoes, a delicious cauliflower mash was yummy served alongside.

Here's the recipe with our changes:

Vegetable Fricassee 
3 T. olive oil 
1/2 yellow onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped 
1 rib celery, diced 
3 large carrots, chopped 
20 oz. mushrooms, chopped
1 t. poultry seasoning 
1/4 cup butter (substitute vegan butter)
1/4 cup all purpose flour (or gluten free all purpose flour)
1/2 cup white wine (such as Pinot Grigio)
2 cups vegetable broth (or chicken stock)
1 cup coconut milk (or whole milk)
salt and pepper to taste 

Cauliflower Mash
1 large head of cauliflower, cut into florets 
1/3 cup Almond milk or whole milk 
2 T. butter (substitute vegan butter)
1/2 t. salt 
1/4 t. black pepper 

Heat the olive in a large skillet on medium high. Add the onion, garlic and celery. Saute, reducing heat as needed for about 3-5 minutes or until the onion is translucent. 

Then add the carrots and mushrooms. Saute for 2-3 minutes. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper. Continue to saute until the mushrooms have browned, about 5 more minutes. 

Sprinkle in the poultry seasoning, toss to coat. Add the (vegan) butter and melt over the veggies. Sprinkle the flour over the vegetables and toss to coat. 

Pour the white wine into the skillet and stir into the veggies. Let simmer on medium low for 2-3 minutes. 

Then pour in the vegetable broth (or chicken stock) and coconut cream (or milk). Stir to combine and make sure there are no lumps of flour left. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper. 

Reduce to low and simmer for about 10-15 minutes. The sauce will thicken up, but should still be somewhere between gravy and stew. Stir every few minutes. 

While that is simmering, bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the cauliflower florets. Boil the cauliflower for 8-10 minutes or until very tender. 

Drain and add  the cauliflower to a blender. Add the milk, (vegan) butter, salt and pepper to the blender. Blend until totally smooth. it may take a minute. Taste and adjust seasonings. 

Taste the vegetable fricassee and adjust seasonings. Serve a bowl of cauliflower mash topped with vegetable fricassee. 

Garnish with chopped parsley.


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