Friday, August 19, 2022

Air Fryer Chicken Cordon Bleu


This recipe was originally published in The Gadsden Times as part of my weekly newspaper column.

If the name of this recipe is off putting because it seems like it may be too fancy for a weeknight meal, call it what we do: Blue Ribbon Chicken! Look for chicken breast cutlets at your grocery. If those are unavailable, use boneless, skinless breasts. Cut them in half through the thickest part before beginning the recipe.
6 chicken breast cutlets
1-2 T. Dijon mustard
12 slices Swiss cheese
12 slices Black Forest ham
½ cup flour
1 egg beaten with a splash of water
1 cup Panko breadcrumbs, plain or seasoned
¾ cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Place one cutlet on a cutting board and cover it with a piece of plastic wrap. Gently pound the cutlet with a meat tenderizer, making it the same thickness over the entire piece. Repeat with the remaining cutlets.
Season the chicken with salt and pepper. Spread a thin layer of mustard over the cutlets. Place one slice of cheese on top of the mustard, then top with two pieces of ham and the other slice of cheese. If needed, trim the cheese and ham to fit in line with the chicken.
Starting with the long edge of the chicken, slowly roll the chicken up, tucking in the ham and cheese as you go. Secure with toothpicks. Repeat with the remaining cutlets.
Now it’s time to set up your dredging station with three shallow plates or pans. An aluminum pie tin works perfectly. Place the flour in one; the beaten egg in one; combine the panko and parmesan cheese in the third.
Here’s where you’ll need to go slow and steady and not rush. Carefully dust the stuffed and rolled chicken in the flour. Next is the egg wash. I found that placing the rolled chicken in the pan and then brushing the egg wash on with a silicone brush made easy work of this step. Finally, roll the chicken in the panko crumbs to completely cover all sides. Press the panko securely against the chicken. Here’s a Lolly Tip: before you begin the dredging process with the remaining cutlets, wash your hands between each one. That way, no panko will be in the flour or the egg wash.
My air fryer has three racks instead of a basket, so I sprayed them with non-stick spray. If yours is a basket model, following the manufacturer’s recommendations. I placed 2 pieces on each rack. Lightly spray the cutlets with olive oil spray. Wait about 5 minutes before putting it into the air fryer. I cooked mine at 350° F. for 17 minutes. After removing from the air fryer, let them rest for a few minutes before serving.


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