Monday, August 22, 2022

Around Lolly's Sideboard: Back to School!

It's already Back to School time! I know I always say the current sideboard is my favorite, but this time I'm in love with this one.  There's so many items here that are family keepsakes.  I hope you enjoy the stories I'm going to share about these items.

We all know how important after school snacks are!  My "Lolly's Treats" jar holds such a special place in my heart.  If you look carefully, you'll see handprints of some of my grandchildren when they were really small!  The Hershey cookbooks were a gift from Sweet Harold when we toured the Hershey factory in Pennsylvania.

And this lunchbox was MINE when I started 1st grade a LONG time ago!  My mother kept everything.  😁

This bell was my paternal grandmother's.  I can just picture it sitting on the edge of a teacher's desk.

I attempted to have a variety of school related items for different ages.  Here's a few of the classics for a reading list.

For the littles at school, they'll need glue sticks, chalk, a clock puzzle to help with learning to tell time, blocks, crayons, and Play Dough!

I love the vase with marbles and I believe this ruler says it all.

A dear friend gave Sweet Harold this globe with compass after he admired it at her home.

Of course, what's a day at school without lunch trays!

Did you spy the apples for the teachers?  Whether you have children or grandchildren going back to school this Fall or whether you're just a kid at heart, I hope this sideboard made you smile and maybe remember some of your school days!