Sunday, January 22, 2023

Beef and Broccoli (and Mushrooms and Bok Choy) Stir Fry


This recipe began as a simple beef and broccoli stir fry.  As I was getting the ingredients out of the fridge, I spied a few mushrooms that were nearing their expiration date.  Then I saw the remainder of the bok choy I had left over from making the Asian Chicken and Vegetable Soup.  This is another recipe where you need to get all of your vegetables chopped and ready before you begin to cook.  The beef needs to marinate for a bit, so mix up your marinade and get the beef all happy in a bowl for about 30 minutes, and prep the veggies.

Read the recipe all the way through before beginning to cook!  You're going to need extra sesame oil than what is listed for the marinade and either cornstarch (or almond flour if you're on keto or low carbing it) to thicken the sauce.

I used 1 lb. beef which was labeled "stir fry beef."  You can buy a sirloin, flank or flat iron steak and thinly slice it yourself.

For the marinade:
1 T. low-sodium soy sauce
2 t. fish sauce
1 T. sesame oil
2 T. rice wine vinegar
2 t. minced garlic
1/4 t. red pepper flakes
2 T. grated fresh ginger

Whisk all ingredients together in a medium bowl.  Place the thinly sliced beef in the marinade and use a fork to toss each slice.  Set aside while you prep the vegetables.

3 - 4 white mushrooms or shittake mushrooms, sliced
3 cups broccoli florets
3 bok choy leaves, white parts chopped, green parts thinly sliced into ribbons

Heat 2 T. sesame oil in a wok or large skillet over high heat.  When the oil begins to shimmer, add beef a few slices at a time using the fork allowing the marinade to drip off somewhat. Be careful because that wok is going to be HOT.  

Lower heat to medium high and quickly stir fry the beef until it browns and is cooked through.  This won't take but a few minutes.  Remove the beef from the wok and place on a plate.  Drain off any liquid that remains and discard.  

Add 2 T. sesame oil to the wok and add the veggies.  They also will cook quickly so you will need to continuously stir (or flip) the veggies with a metal spatula or wooden spoon to keep the vegetables cooking evenly.  

When veggies are still tender crisp (4 - 5 minutes).  If you cook the broccoli much longer, you're going to start losing those important nutrients.

Add the beef back to the wok.  Stir to combine with the vegetables.  

Whisk 2 T. almond flour into 1/2 cup of beef stock and pour it into the stir fry.  Toss to coat all the beef and vegetables and let the sauce thicken.  Serve immediately topped with toasted sesame seeds.

I served the stir fry with Birds Eye Fried Rice Style Cauliflower Rice.

Great side dish and ready to eat in 5 minutes!


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  1. That rice looks interesting, but I know the Meat-a-tarian man here would not go for it. His favorite meal is "big chicken or small cow, something that use to have feet - fried - with rice and gravy". That is also his favorite quote when I ask him what he wants for supper.
