Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Garlic and Herb Low Carb Pizza Crust

I will begin this post by declaring that ANY crust I make (savory pie, pot pie, dessert pie) will always be considered "rustic."  A professional crust maker I am not by any means.  We shall consider today's homemade pizza crust as "free form."  😏

I haven't had a pizza in over a month which is probably a record for me.  So today I experimented with a low carb version using Carbquik.  I added some granulated garlic and dried Italian seasoning along with a little salt to the dough. That added a nice flavor.

There will be follow up experiments, so I thought for this first trial run, I'd relate what I did and why and what I think I'll change or alter next time.

I had a low sugar pizza sauce, so I limited the amount of sauce I used.  This pizza (for me) definitely needed more sauce.  I was unsure how this low carb crust would hold up under more sauce, but now I know it will.  I'll also use no sugar pizza sauce and then I'll feel more comfortable adding more!

I used a finely shredded Italian cheese blend.  Next time, I'll use a thick shredded Mozzarella.  I didn't have enough cheese on this pie.  

I also wasn't sure how the water content of peppers and onions would affect the crust.  I believe the crust can handle those as well.

So here's what I did!

1 1/2 cups Carbquik
1/2 t. salt
1 1/2 t. dried Italian seasoning
1/2 t. granulated garlic
1/3 - 2/3 cup hot water

Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.

In a medium bowl, mix the Carbquik, salt, seasoning, and garlic well with a fork.

Slowly pour in about half the water and stir to combine.  You want a dough that will stick to itself and not to your hands.  You may need to use a little more or less of the water.  

Place a sheet of parchment paper on a pizza pan.  Place the dough in a ball in the center of the parchment paper.  Add another sheet of parchment paper over the top of the dough.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough until it forms (somewhat) of a circle.  Remove the top sheet of parchment paper and dock the dough all over with a fork.

Place in the oven for 2 - 3 minutes.  Remove from oven and add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of sauce spreading it evenly over the crust with the back of a spoon.

Add your toppings.  I used about 3/4 cup finely diced ham, 1/2 cup of crumbled bacon, 3/4 cup of sliced baby portabella mushrooms, and then topped with grated Parmesan and the Italian cheese blend.

Back into the oven for an additional 8 - 12 minutes.  Mine was ready to eat at the 8 minute mark.  Let cool a minute or so and then slice.  Serve immediately.

It was a tasty pizza.  Would I have preferred a yeasty doughy crust?  Of course, but when searching for low(er) carb options, you learn to try substitutions.  As I noted above, I'll try again, with different toppings and more sauce and I'll report back with another blog post.

Adapted from:  www.recipesthatcrock.com


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