Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Around Lolly's Sideboard: Grinchmas!


Ever since I was a little girl, I have LOVED the Grinch!  This sideboard theme was especially designed and planned for the grandchildren, nephews, and friends' grandkids.  After these fun items are finished with spreading Grinchy cheer on the sideboard, they'll be transferred to the kids' Christmas table.  They'll be pulling double duty this year!

This book was given to my son in 1990.  Of all my Christmas mugs, this Grinch one is my favorite.

These two have been a part of our family's Christmas decor since the early 1990s as well. 

Sweet Harold gifted me this Grinch nutcracker this year to add to my collection.  Isn't he cute?

I purchased these plates from Hobby Lobby.  

These accent pieces make me smile every time I see them while working in my kitchen.

These were purchased from Amazon along with these kid friendly plastic cups.

I purchased these Seuss like Christmas trees and sign at Big Lots.

These colorful accent pieces were purchased from Amazon.

Another find at Hobby Lobby!

Merry Grinchmas!

1 comment:

  1. Every time I think I have seen all of your collection, you bring another one out. Awesome.
