Monday, January 20, 2025

Air Fryer Brussels Sprouts

While cooking salmon patties in the air fryer, I decided to add the Brussels Sprouts on another tray and cook them at the same time.

Food City has a refrigerated section in the produce department and I purchased a packaged of prepared (sliced and seasoned) Brussels Sprouts.  

I sprayed the tray with olive oil spray and placed the sprouts on the tray.  I then drizzled with olive oil spray and placed in the air fryer at 400 degrees F. for 10 minutes.

Depending on the size of the sprouts, you may need to cook them a little longer to get them to the tenderness you like.  


  1. I love them. I have some in the fridge that I am going to roast today. A good day to run the oven because of the Artic Freeze and the expected snow and yucky weather.
