Saturday, December 26, 2020

Around Lolly's Table: The Winter Stag

 This table is another of my favorites. Even though I dislike the cold days (and nights!) of winter, this table design brings together whites, silvers, and grays to create a winter wonderland.

The white stag, shown above was purchased at Hobby Lobby along with the two towering molded trees.

The tablecloth, napkins, and napkin rings with a snowflake motif are from Bed, Bath, and Beyond.

The dinner plates with the red stag are from Food Network via Kohl's.  The glassware was an online auction win!

The salt cellars with matching spoons were purchased at an antique store.  Hobby Lobby had the place card holders in stock a few years ago and I used crafting scissors to add a funky edge.

All in all, I think this is the perfect table to enjoy during the week between Christmas and New Year's!