I recently found this product in the grocery store.
I'm always willing to try new products and share the results with all of you. I realize sometimes people would like to have a jump start on their dish and not have to cook the entire thing from scratch. This is an ideal boxed meal starter kit!
The 1 pound of chicken is sliced into 1" slices and then the pieces are coated with a seasoning mix which is included. Then you brown it in oil along with a sliced red bell pepper.
While the chicken and peppers are cooking, boil the rice which is included in the kit.
When ready to serve, simply plate the rice and top with the chicken/peppers. There's a pouch of salsa verde sauce that you drizzle over the dish.
I served it topped with cilantro with sliced fresh jalapenos and Chicharrónes on the side.
End result? I'd definitely keep a box in the pantry for a quick weeknight meal. There was an adequate amount of heat from the sauce. The coating mix is almost like a taco seasoning.
Thumbs up from Chez Lolly!
I'd make it without the peppers