Friday, August 12, 2022

Italian Dressing Chicken served with Roasted Broccoli


There really isn't a recipe involved here!  Instead, I'll just simply tell y'all how I assembled and made the dish.

I used boneless/skinless chicken thighs.  You can use bone-in, with skin, chicken breasts, or wings!

You'll need 1 - 2 pounds of whichever part of the chicken you're baking along with a bottle of Italian salad dressing.  Use your favorite brand or even a store brand will be fine.  I had Ken's Zesty Italian on hand so that's what I used here.

You can either marinade the chicken for an hour or so beforehand or just bake as directed. 

I had 6 medium boneless skinless chicken thighs that I put into a large Ziplock bag.  I poured in about  3/4 cup of the Italian dressing, made sure I sealed the bag tightly, and placed in the refrigerator for an hour. You will want enough dressing to completely coat the chicken.

You'll need to preheat the oven to 400 degrees F.  Spray with non-stick spray a baking dish that is large enough to hold the chicken.  It's okay if the chicken is a little crowded, it will shrink some during cooking.  Pour the remaining marinade over the chicken.  Bake for 30-40 minutes or until the internal temperature is between 175 and 180 degrees F.  You can baste the chicken with the dressing during the cooking time if you'd like.  

I also prepared roasted broccoli to serve alongside the chicken.

Simply wash and drain broccoli florets.  Cut into bite-sized pieces.  Place on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil.  Lightly salt and pepper.

Roast in the oven alongside the chicken for 12-15 minutes just until it begins to brown.  Serve immediately.  It's delicious topped with a little grated Parmesan!


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