Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Blackstone Griddle: Red Snapper - two ways


My favorite Gulf fish - Red Snapper!  On our last visit to the beach, we made that last minute stop at the local seafood shop and brought home an assortment of shrimp, scallops, and red snapper.  We had them packed on ice, repacked them when we arrived home, and stashed them in the deep freeze.  This past weekend, I decided it was time to thaw the fish and fire up the Blackstone Griddle.

Look at the size of these filets!

After thawing, I rinsed them under cool water and then dried with paper towels.  Then I added a light drizzle with olive oil and used a silicone brush to spread it over the fish.  For seasoning, I used Kinder's Seafood Blend and sprinkled a liberal portion over both sides.

I preheated the Blackstone griddle until it was lightly smoking, then lowered the heat to medium and added a light spray of olive oil spray.  Then I placed the fillets skin side down onto the griddle.

The sizzle you heard is the skin forming that delicious crispy exterior.  Leave the fish alone until it releases easily from the griddle.  This usually takes 3 - 4 minutes.  When the fish will allow you to to slip the metal spatula underneath without any resistance, it's time to flip them.

Again, just let them sizzle away on the griddle until the internal temperature reaches 137 degrees F.  I let these cook until they were 144 degrees F.  

To serve, I made a vinegar/mayo based slaw and yellow rice.  Don't forget to spritz with lemon before you take that first bite!

For our "leftover" meal, I made Red Snapper Tacos with lime mayo slaw.

Gently break apart the fish into bite-sized pieces and re-heat, either wrapped in foil in a 300 degree F. oven or in a 325 degree air fryer. 

While the fish heats through, make the slaw.  I added about 3 cups shredded coleslaw mix into a medium bowl.  Then I mixed 2/3 cup of Duke's lime flavored mayo, a little salt and pepper, and a tablespoon of dill relish in a small bowl and poured it over the cabbage.  I mixed well to combine and then heated soft tortillas in the microwave by the package directions.  A nice spoonful of slaw and then piled on the red snapper!  Another spritz of lemon juice and it was time to eat!


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