Saturday, December 31, 2022

Little Piggies Pigs in a Blanket

My grandkids love pigs in a blanket.  I knew they were going to be a definite item on the Christmas gathering menu.  While chatting with a friend a few weeks ago, we were discussing the different family food traditions that we all enjoy.  She mentioned pigs in a blanket and then told me about silicone molds she had found on Amazon to make these little snacks even more fun!

I ordered three trays and was able to cook 3 dozen at once.  This was so simple.  You'll need to brush the inside of the molds with melted butter.  Don't use any sort of non-stick spray as it will build up on the silicone and you'll have a sticky mess.  

We mixed up about 1 cup of pancake batter for these 3 dozen piggies.  Carefully spoon in enough batter to fill the individual mold about 1/2 way full.  Place a little smoky sausage into the mold.  The batter will rise up and bake around the sausage.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  I placed the molds on baking sheets before filling.  Bake for 14 - 18 minutes or until the breading has browned.  Mine were ready at 16 minutes of cooking time.

Remove from oven and let cool in the mold for a minute or so.  Gently tug on the opposite corners of the molds to help loosen the piggies.  Carefully flip the molds over and gently shake to remove the piggies.  Let cool for a few minutes and place on your serving tray.

Aren't they cute?  You can serve with BBQ sauce, marinara sauce, and/or ketchup.


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